I received four of emails from a particular model over the period of a few weeks. Lets just call her Model C (Crazy). Model C wants to work on our pinup project and tells me how good she would be and how much experience that she has. Great, I said and introduce her to my wardrobe and hair stylist via email and she sets up an appointment for a fitting.
Then I get this email:
Dear Michael, I'm not sure what the offer was, but I'm asking you now. Is it trade for CD? I need to build my new port and that's great for me, but I have to ask you if you would have a problem signing a contract between you and I for OUR own protection stating that you will provide me the CD or Prints and not exploit me in anyway objectionable to the model and vice versa. I'd appreciate it if you signed it , it makes me feel better of the situation because I am a *** and I really need to be aware of where my work goes. You can use my photos to promote yourself as I will use them to promote myself , but not to sell without my permission. Since I am my own agent, I have to protect myself and because of previous photographers I've worked with that have verbally promised me photos or used my photo to make money without including me. I have to do this.. I hope this is of no problem to you. Thank you, Model C
WTF? Our protection. WTF? So in deciphering this email (and subsequent others) I take it that she wants a contract with me:
- To get all of the pictures processed or not.
- That she wants final approval of all images so we don't "exploit" her.
- She also wants 50% of any and all profits that are made on the images.
- She does not trust me to give her the images. (because she didn't check references of any of the GWC photographers that she worked with).
My first impression is to kick her to the curb. I forward this email to my team and their first impression is to launch her too, My wardrobe stylist says she won't touch her with a ten foot pole. I try to be professional so I reply and address her concerns. Explain the terms, tell her the situation regarding profits, copyright and getting her approval is not acceptable to me. I also tell her that the bottom line is that she has a trust issue and that worries me more than anything else.
Next email Model C tells me she won't do nudes and Playboy and Maxim already tried to get her to do nudes. She goes on about how good she is and how we won't be able to use her on the cover.
WTF? I never said anything about nudes, I said vintage lingerie, which reveals less than her current bikini pics. I send her reply(and mine) to my team and now they are seething. I get a text that says NEXT. I get on the phone and tell my team we all agree we done with her and we move on to find another willing model without reservations.
Needless to say, we won't be shooting with this young lady. So the moral of this story is to not demand too much from a shoot when there is obviously a high degree of professionalism and a team of people willing to make you beautiful and dress you in vintage clothing to take some really great vintage pinup pictures that would improve all of our portfolios, plus you might even be in a book.
Significant opportunity blown on her part.