Thursday, August 7, 2008

Critques, Karma and Learning

I never thought that I would learn from giving a constructive critique to others. On one of the modeling web sites I decided to give out "cookies" and Critiques of the first 8 images in a portfolio. I have garnered a rather large following and a modest fan base just from Critiques.

  1. First of all I don't lie if I think something is wrong with and image I tell the model/ photographer/stylist asking for the Critique.
  2. Second I find something positive about an image they did and encourage that pose, connection or expression.
  3. Third I give them a cookie. All different types but a cookie nonetheless.
  4. Fourth I try to tell them what the next level is for them. Some need a better photographer, some need posing, some need help with crops, some really don't need help at all but I find something to keep them going.
  5. Fifth I find an image that is over and above the rest and I post it in the Forum so everyone can see what I do.
I have learned quite a bit from this. some take criticism well some don't. I don't back off of my decisions and I can justify everything I said. I have also learned where my images need to take me. Where my next level is and that is priceless. Karma at work here.

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